Thursday, April 15, 2010

Delicious Meatloaf, Bacon, Cheese Monster!

This is the most delicious meatloaf ever!
We've only ever made the one. We made it a while back and documented it because it was ridiculous! We promised ourselves we would only make it once a year.
Here's how we did it.

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

First you need to purchase 2, 2 pound packages of ground beef meduim, not lean.
One large brick of cheddar cheese. I think it's the one pound block.
One pound of extra thick cut bacon. (We used the President's Choice thick cut bacon)
Make meatloaf mixture as per usual. We added onions, eggs, breadcrumbs, Maggie sauce, garlic and seasonings.

Wrap the meatloaf mixture around the cheese block. Don't cut the cheese (giggle) or make it smaller, just wrap that seasoned and mixed up ground beef around the cheese log.
Then you wanna make a lattice work of bacon that goes all over the loaf of delicious meat.
We put the whole thing right onto some parchment paper on a baking sheet. Makes less of a mess.

This is the loaf after about 20 minutes of cooking. It was driving us crazy! We could smell it all over the house.

This is after 45 minutes. We had to check the middle to see if it was done. (Don't own a meat thermometer)
We cut right on through there........

Looking right down into the depths of the cheesy bacon meaty goodness.
Hypnotizing isn't it?

On the plate it looks a bit less greasy. I think it's because we added some cute little carrot balls to the side. The mashed potatoes sucked up some of the residual grease.

Maggs wasn't sure at first. But eventually decided it was pretty good meatloaf.

I managed to tuck into quite a respectably sized piece. Finished it all too.

Mr. Jimmy enjoying his once a year treat.

We all napped after the dishes were done.

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